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MDE-4917D.pdf MDE-4917D FlexPay Connect D-Box Installation Manual • 03/17
This manual provides instructions for installing the FlexPay Connect Distribution Box (D-Box). The FlexPay Connect system allows high-speed data flow to the dispensers for applications such as Applause Media System.
MDE-5265F.pdf MDE-5265F BRCM2.x Installation and Upgrade Instructions · 02/22
This manual provides instructions for installing the FlexPay™ Connect version 2 [which includes a Back Room Communication Module (BRCM)2.x and a Dispenser Communication Module (DCM)2.x], or upgrading an existing Distribution Box (D-Box) to a BRCM2.x.
SP-2482.pdf SP-2482 - BRCM2 Use Case Guide 11/16
SP-3991.pdf SP-3991 FlexPay Connect v2 Launch Announcement 08/16
SP-3992A.pdf SP-3992A FlexPay Connect v2 Overview 11/16